Greytop F1 Hybrid Watermelon (Sakata | 1000 seeds)
Grey top F1 Hybrid Watermelon (Sakata | 1000) seeds is a good fruit setting hybrid watermelon with high sugar content to enjoy maximum satisfaction.
Features of Grey top F1 Hybrid Watermelon
- Vigorous vine and good fruit setting.
- High level of sugar for maximum satisfaction.
- Maturity Date: 80 – 90 days after sowing.
- Average weight: 9 – 12 kg
- Tends to resist sunburn.
- Population Guide: 6 000 final stands per hectare.
- Seed type: Hybrid
- Pack size: 100 seeds
- Colour: Light green with fine dark green stripes.
- Shape: Oval
- Diseases resistance: High resistance; Fusarium oxysporum f. so. Niveum. (Fon1) Intermediate resistance; Colletotrichum orbiculare (Co).
Special features of Grey top F1 Hybrid Watermelon
- Tends to resist sunburn.
- The vigorous vibe and good fruit setting.
Health benefit of Grey top F1 Hybrid Watermelon
- Contains a high percentage of water, therefore, prevents dehydration.
- It has the potential to prevent cancer because of the compounds (lycopene) in watermelon
- It increases heart efficiency because of the several heart-healthy components, including lycopene and other vitamins and minerals in it.
- Keeps the body healthy because of the anti-inflammatory antioxidant (Lycopene and vitamin C) present.
- Lycopene help keep the eyes healthy and protect against age-related macular degeneration (AMD) because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- A recovery beverage after exercise because watermelon juice has some potential antioxidant.
- Several nutrients in watermelon are good for your hair and skin. Some help keep skin supple while others protect against sunburn.
- Watermelon is essential for the body because it contains Fiber and water which are important for healthy digestion.
How to plant Grey top F1 Hybrid Watermelon
- It is a space hog; vines can reach 20 feet in length, so plant where there is plenty of open ground.
- Amend soil with organic matter such as compost or cow manure. Add a balanced fertilizer that is high in nitrogen.
- Sow 8 to 10 watermelon seeds in a ridge, and push seeds 1 inch into the soil.
- Space ridge 3 to 4 feet apart, with at least 8 feet between rows. Thin plants to the 3 best in each ridge.
- Keep soil free of weeds by shallow hoeing or with a layer of mulch.
- It has moderately deep roots and watering is seldom necessary unless the weather turns dry for a prolonged period.
- When vines begin to ramble, side-dress plants with half a cup of balanced fertilizer (5-10-5). The third application of fertilizer should be made when melons are set.
- Withhold water as melons start to mature to intensify sweetness.
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