Benefits Of Sweet Pepper
- Reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration
- Protect against certain chronic diseases
- Delay age-related memory loss
- Promotes a healthy heart
- Mitigates migraines
- Improves metabolism
- Fights the Flu, Colds and Fungal Infections
- Prevents bad breath
How To Grow Kaveri 254 F1 Bell Pepper Seeds
Start pepper seed indoors 7 to 10 weeks before the date you intend to set seedlings into the garden.
- Sow 3 to 4 seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep to a pot or flats in a seedlings tray.
- Germination is best in a warmer environment.
- Clip away the weaker seedlings once the strongest seedling is about 5 cm tall.
- Seedlings started indoors should be kept under grow light or in a sunny window after germination.
- Availability of water to keep the seed starting to mix from drying.
- Set plants outdoors for a few hours each day before transplanting them to the farm.
- Grow peppers in full sun. Peppers should get 8 hours of sun each day.
- Plant peppers in soil rich in organic matter. Compost or commercial organic planting mix into beds prior to planting.
- Pre-warm the soil before transplanting by placing mulch film over the planting bed for two weeks prior to transplanting peppers.
- Space pepper plants 45-61 cm apart. Space rows 61-91 cm apart
- Set transplants in the garden at the same depth they were growing in the container. Do not plant deeper; buried stem may rot.
- It’s easy to determine when your peppers are ready to harvest. Begin to pick the peppers once they are 7.6 to 10 cm long and the fruit is firm and green.
- After you harvest the first crop of peppers, feel free to fertilize the plants to give them the energy they need to form another crop.
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