Nikita F1 Sweet Pepper 5g
Nikita F1 Sweet Pepper 5g is an excellent pepper variety for the raining season with very good fruit setting, big deep green attractive fruits and blocky in shape. It’s thick-walled start out creamy white before turning a beautiful shade of golden orange blushed with red.
It is love it for its color progression and sweet, crispy flesh. Peppers have a delicious, sweet flavor, wonderful for fresh salads or baked as a stuffed pepper.
Characteristics of Nikita
- Variety can be grown both indoor and open field.
- Fruit flesh is juicy, sweet and thick.
- Maturity colour is yellowish/red to.
- Wall thickness of 4.0mm to 5.0mm
- Productivity of 170 – 210 kg/ha.
- Plant height around 55 -70 cm
- Possess early maturity of 60 – 70 days
- Plants are highly resistant to Potato Virus Y.
Benefits Of Sweet Pepper
- Reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration
- Protect against certain chronic diseases
- Delay age-related memory loss
- Reduce the likelihood of anaemia
- Promotes a healthy heart
- Mitigates migraines
- Relieves joint pain
- Improves metabolism
- Fights the Flu, Colds and Fungal Infections
- Prevents bad breath
How To Grow Sweet Pepper
Growing bell peppers isn’t difficult, but the temperature is an important factor.
- Start pepper seed indoors 7 to 10 weeks before the date you intend to set seedlings into the garden.
- Sow 3 to 4 seeds to a pot or flats in a seedlings tray.
- Keep the seed starting mix just moist until seedlings emerge.
- Clip away the weaker seedlings once the strongest seedling is about 5 cm tall.
- Seedlings started indoors should be kept under grow light or in a sunny window after germination.
- Space pepper plants 45-61 cm apart. Space rows 61-91 cm apart
- Young peppers transplanted should be 10-15 cm tall.
- Set plants outdoors for a few hours each day before transplanting them to the farm.
- Grow peppers in full sun. Peppers should get 8 hours of sun each day.
- Plant peppers in soil rich in organic matter. Compost or commercial organic planting mix into beds prior to planting.
- The soil should be moisture-retentive but well-draining. Slightly sandy or loamy soil is best.
- Pre-warm the soil before transplanting by placing mulch film over the planting bed for two weeks prior to transplanting peppers. The plastic will transfer solar heat to the soil.
- Set transplants in the garden at the same depth they were growing in the container. Do not plant deeper; buried stem may rot.
- It’s easy to determine when your peppers are ready to harvest. Begin to pick the peppers once they are 7.6 to 10 cm long and the fruit is firm and green.
- After you harvest the first crop of peppers, feel free to fertilize the plants to give them the energy they need to form another crop.
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