Commercial Day Old Pullets NOVOgen Brown (AGRITED BRAND)
Novogen Browns are a popular brown egg-laying breed known for excellent egg production, large brown eggs, and good meat yields. Agrited Brand offers quality Novogen Brown chicks that develop into hardy, productive layers.
Below I’ll discuss the benefits of choosing Novogen Browns, provide chick care tips, and advice on transitioning chicks to the laying flock. Read on for full details!
Benefits of Commercial Day Old Pullets Novogen Brown Chicks.
Here are some top advantages of choosing Novogen Brown pullet chicks from Agrited Brand:
– Prolific egg laying – Novogen Browns are optimized for egg production, laying up to 300 large brown eggs annually.
– Excellent health – Agrited chicks are vaccinated and hatched from quality breeding stock for robust health.
– Dual purpose – Good meat yields from males and spent hens make them ideal for small farms.
– Weather hardy – These adaptable birds thrive in diverse climates and housing conditions.
– Docile temperament – Novogen Browns have a calm, non-aggressive disposition, ideal for backyard flocks.
Advantages of Novogen Brown Commercial Day Old Pullet
- Egg quality maintained until the end of the cycle
- Recognized feed efficiency for an optimized production cost
- Calm behavior for ease of management
- Capable of adapting to a variety of environments (climate, farming system, etc.)
- Resistant to different production challenges (health, climate, feed, management).
Caring for Novogen Brown Chicks
Follow these tips for raising healthy Novogen Brown chicks:
– House chicks in a heated brooder with soft bedding. Provide adequate space.
– Keep temperature at 95°F for first week, then decrease by 5° each week until 70°F.
– Feed a 20-24% protein starter feed and provide fresh water daily.
– Give access to grit starting at 2 weeks old. Introduce oyster shell supplement at 8 weeks.
– Monitor for pasty vents and treat any health issues promptly. Practice good biosecurity.
Transitioning to the Laying Flock
Around 18-20 weeks, Novogen Brown pullets will be ready to transition outside to the laying flock. Here are some tips:
– Move pullets to lay coop 2-4 weeks before they begin laying to acclimate.
– Provide nest boxes, perches, and ample space per bird.
– Feed a complete 17-18% layer feed with a calcium supplement.
– Maintain a light schedule of 14-16 hours per day to stimulate egg production.
– Collect eggs daily and cull any non-layers after 4-6 months of egg laying.
Commercial Day Old Pullets Novogen Brown is a brown pullet bird with white under feathering, producing brown eggs. It produces a high egg mass with high quality. Easy to manage, and calm, the Novogen Brown is the bird you are looking for.
With the Novogen Brown, its excellent egg quality, and its potential for production, you will optimize your profit.
Agrited Novogen Brown Pullets are in high demand. Just like our DOC broilers, Agrited Pullets are considered to be top-notch quality in the Nigerian Market. Due to high demand, we give you the option of booking your Commercial Day Old Pullets in advance.
Both this pullet and the broilers are produced by Agrited here in Nigeria, You can click on this link to order ross 308 Agrited broilers too
Growing period (0 to 18 weeks) |
Bodyweight at 18 weeks old |
1500 -1580 g |
Liveability |
97 – 98% |
Production period (18 to 90 weeks) |
Liveability |
93 – 95% |
50% of production at |
20 – 21 weeks |
Peak of production |
93 – 95% |
Per hen housed |
Egg Number |
404 – 408 |
Egg Mass |
25.6 – 26.0 kg |
Average egg weight |
63.0 – 64.0 kg |
FCR (119 days) |
2.15 – 2.20 kg/kg |
Feed consumption |
113 – 117 g |
FCR per egg |
134 – 138 g |
Shell strength |
Excellent |
Shell Colour |
Excellent |
Haugh Unit |
Excellent |
Novogen Brown chicks from Agrited Brand are an excellent dual-purpose breed choice for small farms and homesteads. Order your vaccinated chicks today from Farmsquare to start raising a productive flock! Let me know if you need any other tips on raising chickens.
For production and management techniques, Click to view the Novogen Manual
Customer reviews
4 reviews for NOVOgen Brown Day Old Pullet Chicks (AGRITED BRAND)
The pullets are truly Agrited breed. It is doing well as expected. Looking to do more business with you people.
(verified owner)
I paid 18,000 instead of 17,500. Why?
Prices of Day old chicks are not always fixed, this is a policy coming from the hatcheries themselves. We are sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you.
(verified owner)
(verified owner)
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