Foliar application of Tecamin flower played a role in alleviating the negative impact of water deficit. Plants need access to many different soil nutrients, in varying amounts and at different times during the growing season. Even the best garden soil rarely provides all the nutrients that a flowering plant needs for peak performance. The underwater deficit, chemical elements in a dry fertilizer go into solution in the soil with difficulty and nutrients are less available to the plant. Foliar fertilization could compensate for nutrient deficiency due to water deficit. Before applying any fertilizer, it’s a good idea to have your soil tested so you can select the type and formula that suits your plants’ needs. In return, our plants will reward us with bigger flowers, bigger leaves, and bigger fruits and vegetables.
Tecamin flower fertilizer increases the number of the flowers form and also prevent flower abortion in all crops.
Effects of application of Tecamin Flower on plants
Tecamin flower contains the three basic elements that allow the plant to grow optimally and thrive. Three prime chemical elements are found in this product:
N = Nitrogen which helps to promote healthy leaf growth by stimulating the production of chlorophyll (the main chemical involved in photosynthesis—how plants convert sunlight to food).
P = Phosphorus which support the vigorous development of roots, stems, blossoms, and fruits.
K = Potassium which plays a key role in helping plants digest and manufactures their foods.
When to apply Tecamin Flower fertilizer
It is best to apply Tecamin flower fertilizer to your flowers at the start or peak of their growing cycle. It’s not ideal to wait until the flowers have already bloomed for the year. The umbrella rule for most of them is to start in early spring or the date of the last frost.
Often, you should apply Tecamin flower fertilizer early in the morning or late at night. Remember the NPK percentages here. Higher ratios mean you can feed the plants less, while low numbers indicate that you will be fertilizing every week.
Read more about other quality fertilizer at: Farmsquare Nigeria
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