Poly Twine Rope
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Poly Twine Rope

Original price was: ₦10,000.Current price is: ₦9,000.

Agricultural polypropylene twine is used in agriculture for all kinds of agricultural machinery. Twine is also used for packing, tying plants, and in construction with attic insulation. Twine is also used in tying plants and in construction with attic insulation.

Features of Product

  • Poly twine is highly resistant to breaking.
  • The product is ecological.
  • Poly twine is produced out of the highest quality cotton yarns.
  • This product can be used for packing and as an ornamental element.

Original price was: ₦10,000.Current price is: ₦9,000.

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Poly Twine is made from 100% polyamide, polyester, polypropylene multifilament and monofilament. The distinguishing features of synthetic twines are their high tenacity, UV and abrasion resistance. The twines are widely used in marine transport, fishery, hobby, gardening and construction as auxiliary twines. Twine is very soft and flexible which makes it easy to use.

Poly twine is an excellent choice for farmers looking for a strong, durable, and versatile twine for their agricultural needs. Not only is it affordable, but it also comes in a variety of lengths and thicknesses to suit different crop sizes and weights. One of the greatest advantages of poly twine is its ease of use. Its strength and durability make it easy to tie and knot, and it won’t break or stretch easily. This saves farmers time and effort during the busy harvest season when every minute counts.

Twine is a strong thread, light string or cord composed of two or thinner strands twisted, and then twisted together (plied). The strands are plied in the opposite direction to that of their twist, which adds torsional strength to the cord and keeps it from unravelling. This process is sometimes called a reverse wrap. The same technique used for making twine is also used to make a thread, which is thinner, yarn, and rope, which is stronger and thicker, generally with three or more strands. Twine usually consists of several pieces of single strands of a material such as yarn which have been twisted together. Natural fibres used for making twine include wool, cotton, sisal, jute, hemp, henequen, paper, and coir. A variety of synthetic fibres are also used. Twine is a popular substance used in modern-day crafting

As well as being versatile and strong, poly twine is also resistant to rot. This means it will not be compromised when used in damp environments, or outdoors. The coils of poly twines we offer are white in colour, which is what you would expect from a good-quality generic type.

Poly twine also comes in a range of colours, making it easy to differentiate between different crops. This feature is especially useful when harvesting multiple crops at once. A poly twine is a cost-effective option, as it is generally more affordable than other types of twine. Its strength, durability, and ease of use make it a smart choice for farmers who want to get the most value for their money.

Benefits of using Poly Twine

  • It is a great general-purpose twine to have to hand when you need it.
  • This twine is light and flexible, meaning it can be tied, wrapped and twisted with ease.
  • It is easy to handle and is not abrasive, so your skin will not be rubbed raw when using it.
  • It is not as elastic as a nylon cord but does offer a little bit of stretch, which limits the likelihood of its snapping.
  • This product has all of the qualities you will be looking for in an everyday twine.
  • It is used in farming to bind straw or hay bales together (small square, large square, and large round bales).
  • Strong and durable it can be used for many rope-like applications in a huge variety of agricultural activities as well.
  • It can also be used in gardening and packaging.

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