How to Maximise Yield In Maize Farming in Nigeria…
Maize uses a lot of nutrients in the soil for proper growth and development. To achieve sufficient harvest, you need nutrients because maize plant won’t thrive otherwise. About fertiliser; there are two kinds available that can provide nutrients to the soil to help maize.
One type is called organic fertilizer which is animal droppings such as cow dung and chicken droppings another example of organic manure is compost. One is animal waste, including cow dung and chicken droppings, also known as organic fertiliser. Another one is compost called organic manure.
The second type is mineral fertiliser. Examples of these that typically have an impact are NPK and ammonium sulphate. We have the option of using either the mineral fertiliser or the manure alone. Any of them can produce a good yield if used appropriately. To maintain a healthy soil and a greater maize harvest, it is important to mix the two.
When utilising manure, it must be thoroughly mixed with the soil on an acre of land before planting, either during ploughing or after ploughing, using at least 15 donkey truckloads or 2 tonnes.
Organic manure is crucial because it constantly strengthens the soil’s structure and tilth while also supplying nutrients. In most cases, buying organic manure is inexpensive or even free. We need a lot of farm labour since it takes a lot of time and energy to bring it to and use it on the farm.
Normally, mineral fertilisers weigh between 25 and 50 kg. Common mineral fertilisers used by farmers include NPK 15:15:15. For an acre of maize, sulphate of ammonia and urea is the other kind of mineral fertiliser that you can use. 2 bags of NPK will be needed. When applied to the soil, one bag of sulphate of ammonia or half of a 50 kg bag of urea becomes instantly available to the plant; but, if it is not absorbed by the plant quickly enough, it is easily wasted. For this reason, the following periods are appropriate for applying mineral fertiliser to maize.
When maize is planted or when it has 4 to 5 leaves and has been growing for two weeks, the first fertilizer application is done. It’s a good time to apply two bags of NPK fertiliser. Dig a hole at the plant’s base that’s not more than 5 cm deep and away from the plants. Filled it with fertiliser and cover it up.
Beyond 5cm from the maize plant itself, the maize plant’s roots may be seen absorbing fertiliser. The fertiliser is more readily available to the maize plant when it is buried since it can’t be washed away by severe rains that may occur just after fertiliser application.
Always apply fertiliser to moist soil 4 – 6 weeks after planting. The maize plants will look strong and healthy after your first application when they are approximately knee-high or taller.
Applying fertilizer at that stage is still not enough. You will still apply fertiliser to your maize once more. This time because the maize would soon tassel and produce maize seeds, they will require one bag of sulphate of ammonia per acre. Six maize plants should each receive a handful of fertiliser.
A second time, bury the fertiliser at the base of the maize plants. After tasseling, the plant is unable to utilise nutrients properly. For this reason all fertiliser application should be done before the plant tassels.
The following factors are crucial for getting the greatest results from fertiliser; apply the fertiliser at the appropriate times: the first application should be made the day the maize is planted, the second should be made after two weeks, and so on. Use the proper fertiliser; it is advised to apply NPK 15:15:15 or 20:10:5 at first, and sulphate of ammonia at second.
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Use the appropriate amount of fertiliser. If your yield is too low, it’s as a result of low fertiliser you used. You won’t achieve bountiful harvest with little fertiliser. Applying high amount of fertiliser will always be costly and could harm your plants. Make sure to correctly place the fertiliser and to bury all of it.
Although purchasing fertiliser costs quite a bit of money, using fertiliser increases the amount of crop that can be sold and allows you to recoup your investment with high profit. The cost of fertiliser is an investment. You have to cultivate or learn the value of applying to fertiliser to maize farming in Nigeria wisely. Keep in mind that fertiliser application will increase the yield of your maize. When the maize is two weeks old or younger, fertiliser should always be applied to moist soil.
Once you follow all these, you’re now headed toward a successful maize harvest.