Livestock ear tags are very vital agribusiness tools. They are reliable and simple organizational devices that help farmers keep track of and record livestock in a variety of useful and important ways.
Our ear tags are small objects made of plastic that pierces the ear of livestock or other animals by way of using an ear tag applicator. They are visual aids that use numbers, colors, and a combination of both, for organizational purposes.
Livestock Identification Features:
Our Plastic livestock ear tags are the most common form of tag because they are cost effective and they are highly visible. They are most often used to show numerical sequence for identity. Some farmers will identify their females sequentially when the animals reach maturity and enter the herd. Using a combination of letters and numbers, animals can be accurately and reliably tracked.
For instance, the letter “A” could indicate the year, say 2015. So, “A0001” would mean the first animal born in 2015. “C0012” would mean the twelfth animal born in 2017 and so on. Once “Z” is reached, return to “A” or go on to “AA”.
Other young animals can also be tagged to link them to their mother in numbered pairs and/or birth sequence. In this instance, heifers and other immature animals will get a new number to avoid repetition once they mature and enter the herd.
Also, for example, it helps farmers save time and effort by quickly providing information. Ear tags can be helpful for identifying the sex of an animal from afar.
For instance. tags in the right ear for males, in the left for females. This can be especially useful for sorting animals in a pen or while animals are passing through a chute.
Ear tags can be used to indicate an animal’s lineage which is also useful for breeding purposes. Tags also can be used to indicate sick animals.
Customer reviews
1 review for Ear Tags for Large Livestocks (Cattles, Donkeys, Horses)
Thank you farmsquare, we got it intact .
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