Soybean Shortage Looms Despite Bumper Harvest In Kano
Soybean Shortage In Kano

Soybean Shortage In Kano

Despite a bountiful soybean harvest during the 2023 rainy season, concerns are mounting over a potential shortage of the commodity in Nigerian markets. The situation is attributed to a surge in soybean exports, prompting fears for the country’s food security.


Export-Driven Demand

The increased demand for Nigerian soybeans stems from their high quality and suitability for export. This has led to aggressive buying by agro-firms and exporters, driving up prices and depleting local market supplies.

Price Escalation

The scramble for soybeans has resulted in a significant price hike. A 100kg bag of soybeans, which typically sells for around N30,000, is now fetching a staggering N43,000. This price increase is putting a strain on local oil millers and consumers alike.


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Impact on Oil Millers

The soaring soybean prices have severely impacted local oil millers’ operations. Many millers are struggling to compete with the deep pockets of exporters, forcing them to either raise prices or reduce production. This could lead to a shortage of cooking oil and other soybean-based products.

Threat to Food Security

The potential soybean shortage poses a serious threat to Nigeria’s food security. With a significant portion of the harvest being exported, domestic supply could dwindle, leading to price spikes and food scarcity.


Call for Action

To address this issue, the Kano State All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) has called for government intervention. They propose revisiting the warehouse system to assist farmers in storing their produce and enacting a law to restrict soybean exports.



The situation surrounding soybean exports highlights the delicate balance between catering to international demand and ensuring domestic food security. Nigeria must carefully consider the long-term implications of its export policies to safeguard its food supply and the livelihoods of its citizens.

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